Our council initiatives are the drive of our organization, and are guided by the vision and expertise our 50+ passionate members. In order to achieve our goals, we put our focus on raising educational awareness and addressing the needs of the Latino community to ensure this nation’s workforce obtains the necessary education and skills to further advance.
Our Council Initiatives
The Scholarship Committee promotes and awards scholarship for ambitious Latinx students.
LULAC Connect
Hundreds of schools and communities are currently using Flyer Connect to communicate more effectively with students’ families.
2020 Census
The LULAC Connect Mobile App includes intensive design and technical support for schools and organizations.
Digital Leadership
The LULAC 5238 is bringing Latinos to the forefront of Digital Leadership.
Latina Entrepreneurs
We aim to grow, increase visibility, connect and cultivate impactful Latina Entrepreneurs in under-represented fields.
Grow With Google
Grow with Google is focused on improving digital skills in our own communities.
Join Us!
Becoming a member of the LULAC 5238 Education Council allows for an incredible opportunity to advocate for the Latino community. We are excited to have you join us as a dedicated volunteer to help elevate the Latino voice in our community!