Latina Entrepreneurs

Latina Entrepreneurs

Who We Are

Latina Entrepreneurs of LULAC are Latina business owners in Illinois in professional fields and industries who are under-represented and contracted for lower contract opportunities than male counterparts. As an example, Latina businesses represent approximately 1% in STEM compared to white males, this includes architecture and technology which will be the initial focus. On average, Latinas in the U.S. are paid 46% less than white men and 31% less than white women (1).

Our mission is to grow, increase visibility, connect and cultivate impactful Latina Entrepreneurs in under-represented fields. Our platforms include networking, coaching & mentorship, professional development and media recognition. Our goal is to support each other and build social capital through collaboration, meaningful dialogue and support to help elevate and grow Latina small business owners. Our conversations surround Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DEI) in private, public and corporate sectors.